I. Basic regulation.
Name of the Association is the Association KOLUMBUS.
The Association KOLUMBUS (further only „Association“) is a network of persons which unites persons having experience with the services of care for mental health. The Association strives for the compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedom for people with psychiatric diagnosis. It is divided into two Chambers according to the experiences with the care for mental health - direct or non direct. The Association is non state, non political and non religious unit which unites physical persons and is an Association in the sense of the Law No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, in valid wording.
The Association is active in the whole Czech Republic and was founded for the indefinite time.
II. Registered office of the Association
The Association has its registered office in Ústí nad Labem on the address Keplerova 712/32, Postal Code 400 07, Czech Republic.
III. Purpose of the Association
The purpose of the Association is especially to protect interests of people with mental health problems in the Czech Republic and to make life of users of psychiatric care more comfortable.
IV. Main activity of the Association
The activity of Association heads toward the fulfilment of the purpose described in the Article II. as the common interest of its members. This purpose is being accomplished especially by:
- the provision of basic legal advice and mental support to mentally ill people;
- influencing of legislation and options of funding of services of care for mentally ill people in the Czech Republic;
- mutual communication of users of psychiatric care with the non professional and professional public including the education;
- support of employment of users of care for mental health;
- co-operation with foreign and international organizations;
- support and implementation of the casual care;
- participation in the community planning and support of community services for mentally ill people, especially sheltered housing, protected workplaces and content of leisure time;
- organization of exhibitions, videos and auctions of art works of users of psychiatric care, their supporters and members of the Association;
- creation of climate which helps the integration of mentally ill people to the society;
- further education and training of employees and volunteers of the Association;
- rehabilitation stays for the members of the Association and further users;
- organization of leisure time of users – sport, tourism, culture, hobby groups;
- research in the field of mental health.
V. Membership in the Association
A member in the Association can become physical person older than 15 years. Membership in the Association arises based on approval of the written Application Form by the affiliated leadership (director, deputy and economist) or by a members' meeting of the Association which decides about his / her acceptance on its closest meeting. First members of the Association automatically become persons present at the appointed meeting of the Association. A member of the first Chamber of the Association becomes such a person which has personal experience with the psychiatric care. A member of the second Chamber of the Association becomes such a person which has intermediated experience with the psychiatric care (relatives, supporters i.e.).
A member of the first Chamber of the Association has the right:
- to participate on the negotiation of the members' meeting and to take part on its decision by voting,
- to vote the Director and other officials and Board of the Association and the right to be elected,
- to submit proposals, suggestions and comments to Board of the Association,
- to take part on the practical activity of the Association.
A member of the second Chamber of the Association has the right:
- to participate on the negotiation of the members' meeting as observer,
- to submit proposals, suggestions and comments to Board of the Association,
- to participate on the economical and social management of the Association and on setting of background for the members of the Association,
- to be elected and vote the Supervisory Committee of the Association.
A member of the first and second Chamber of the Association is obliged to observe the Statutes and to fulfil the decisions of the Board of the Association.
By joining the Association a member agrees with the processing of personal data for the internal purposes of the Association
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A membership in the Association ceases to exist by:
- delivering of written notice about the resign of the Member to the Director of the Association or members' meeting,
- by death of the Member,
- extinction of the Association,
- by exclusion of the Member by the members' meeting in the case that a Member repeatedly breaches these Statutes despite the written warning from the Board of the Association, eventually from other reason determined by the law.A membership ceases to exist on the day of the decision of the members' meeting about the exclusion. The reason for the exclusion can be also damaging of good reputation of the Association but also the members of the Association, developing of such activities which are in breach with the Statutes and decisions of the Association.
A list of members of the Association is non public and accessible only for the members of the Association and deletions in this list are carried out by the affiliated Board of the Association when the membership is established and ceases to exist and furthermore by any change of substantial data.
All the formalities of settling up towards a Member whose membership ceased to exist are carried out as latest by three months since the confirmed termination of the membership
VI. Board of the Association
Organizational structure of the Association is built by following Board:
- a members' meeting,
- Director of the Association elected by the members' meeting,
- executive official elected by the members' meeting, economist of the Association, project managers and members of the Supervisory Committee according to the Procedural and organizational rules of the Association.
VII. Members' meeting
The Supreme Board of the Association is meeting of all its members – members' meeting. Members' meeting decides about all important aspects regarding the Association, especially:
- it approves the Statutes of the Association and amendments of these Statutes,
- it elects the Director of the Association, Executive Official, economist of the Association, project managers and removes them from the office,
- it approves the Report about the activity of the Association in the previous year,
- it determines and approves the Strategical Plan of the Association and its goals for the further period,
- it approves Application forms of new members and decides about the exclusion of the members,
- it decides about joining of the Association to juridical persons,
- it decides about the membership of the Association in the domestic and international organizations, coalitions and campaigns,
- it decides about conducting an office of the Association,
- it decides about the extinction of the Association.
In the period between the members' meetings Director of the Association accepts new Members together with Executive Official and the Economist of the Association.
Members' meeting decides also about aspects which do not belong to the competency of other Board of the Association.
Meeting of members is summoned by the Director of the Association or by his/her entrusted person, at least once a year. Director is obliged to summon members' meeting within one month if he/she is requested in a written form by at least 20 members of both Chambers of the Association. Information about taking place of members' meeting is sent by the Director to the members of the Association in a written way or by e-mail to the contact address which a Member mentioned in the Application Form, in particular as latest till 14 days before taking part of the members' meeting. Co-part of the information is the proposal of the programme of the meeting. As latest 5 days before taking place of the members' meeting the Director of the Association(or by him/her entrusted member) submits proposals of the agenda to remaining members of the Association which he/she is obliged to submit for approval.
Members' meeting can on its nearest session change any decision of the Director.
Members' meeting is quorate if at least one third of all members of the Association participate on it. If at least one third of all members of the Association is not present within half an hour since the start of the members' meeting, in that case is guaranteed the quorum by all the present Members of the first Chamber of the Association. Members' meeting decides by the large majority of these present Members of the Association.
About all decisions accepted in the members' meeting is conducted a record, eventually video-recording by the entrusted member of the Association. A record is verified by its signature by two members present at the members' meeting.
If the Member of the Association requests summoning of an extraordinary members' meeting, the Director of the Association or by him/her entrusted representative is obliged to summon members' meeting as latest till one month.
VIII. Director
Director is statutory Board of the Association which is entitled to act on its behalf in all aspects, especially is entitled to decide about the questions connected with the management of the Association, including dispose with its assets, with the exception of the immovable property, to hire new employees of the Association, to terminate their working contracts and to decide about all their working aspects. On behalf of the Association can act also Executive Official, Economist, Project Manager, Co-ordinator of the project or the employee of the Association or a member empowered by the Director.
Director of the Association is elected by the members' meeting for the period of 3 years and can be elected at most twice in a sequence. The Director of the Association takes charge of the function on the day following after the day of election.
Director of the Association is obliged to:
- summon members' meeting in accordance with the Article 6 paragraph 3 of these Statutes,
- maintain in a correct way the agenda of the members' meeting and the list of the Members of the Association,
- archive all the records from members' meeting,
- once in three years to submit Strategical Plan for approval to members' meeting in such way that it could be negotiated at latest till three months before the expiration of validity of the previous Strategical Plan,
- elaborate, update and adhere to the Procedural and Organizational Rule of the Association in co-operation with the members of the Association,
- nominate and remove (after the consultation with the affiliated management) the co-ordinators of single operations and activities according to the Procedural and organizational Rule of the Association which is a supplement of the Statutes,
- nominate and remove (after the consultation with the affiliated management) the administrator of offices of the Association.
IX. Way of proprietary compensation in case of extinction of the Association
In case of extinction of the Association is its liquidation balance transferred free of charge to other legal person of non profit character whose goals are near to goals of the Associations.